Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Third year Day 101 - Monday March 24, 2014

We drove into town and to the hospital for the CT this morning.  Bridgett is still feeling better after having Faith's appointment.  It's still very cold here and we were wearing our warm coats.  Just before the guy called us to come in for the scan, Bridgett handed me her coat and I draped it over my arm.  I brought in her ipad, in case we had to wait for a long time.  With my purse in hand too, I decided to stick the ipad in my purse.  It's heavy enough that I didn't want the weight to bother the straps of my purse, so I was holding my purse in my arms.  When the technician came to take us back to the CT room, I had Bridgett's coat draped over my purse and I was holding everything kind of with two hands.  He talked to us for a couple of minutes and then asked me to wait in a room next to the CT room. I told him that Bridgett had a TBI and I usually stayed with her during the scans.  He said he thought it best that I remain in the other room.  At this moment, I had shifted things in my hands, and suddenly he saw my purse.  He laughed and said that he thought I was holding a baby in my arms and that is why he didn't want me to come in the room!  Hah!  Any way, he was very nice and allowed me to stay in the room until Bridgett was all situated on the bed and ready for the scan.  BTW this is the same guy that did Stephany's scan when she had the ovarian cyst last February (2013).  On the way home Bridgett said, isn't that Pappy Gargamel that is on the Smurfs?  Stuff like this just comes to her mind out of the blue!  Michelle Helwig called later to report that Bridgett's kidneys look beautiful.  Everything is just great and there are no more kidney stones.  At this point, she expressed her concern about Bridgett's pain level right now.  She said that it's been long enough that the kidney infection is not an issue at this point.  There are no more stones.  So, what is causing this pain?  She said it may well be that once Bridgett's brain gets going on a pain issue that is legitimate, then it can't shut down and pain moves around the body and remains unmanageable.  She said it's something to consider.  If that is the case, she would recommend something like Lyrica to block the pain.  It brought me back to talking to Dr. Speed while we were still in Utah in the early months after the wreck.  Remember that Bridgett was so sensitive to touch back then.  If you barely touched her, she felt as if you were hitting her hard.  We had to be extremely careful around her, so we didn't bump her accidentally.  Anyway, it is all very confusing.  The brain is such a complex thing.  I know that when Faith works on Bridgett, she has been working on the pain centers in the brain to get things working better.  Lots to think about....

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