Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 102 - Sunday March 25, 2012

Maybe there is a better way to label these posts now, but I guess I can't think of one--so I guess daily is how I will post for now.  When we get to the point where a weekly post will suffice, then I will do that.  Today was a good day.  Bridgett continues to be in a happy mood.  Lately everything is a why question--why did you do that, why did that happen, why, why, why!  I remember going through that stage with the kids and after about a million whys you just want to say BECAUSE!  Of course, no one is trying to be annoying by asking questions, they just really wonder, so you feel bad just saying that.  So, we patiently answer a million why questions a day.  Bridgett has gotten much better (again!) about taking her pills.  It never was an issue about how many she had to take.  At the hospital she took a lot every day.  But, after the fall she didn't want to take ANY pills, although we could coax the most important ones down eventually. Tonight she got done taking pills and asked if that was all of them, she thought there were more.  So, I gave her some vitamins that we have been skipping lately!  It was a good day.  Bridgett slept in late and then got up and had some Boost.  Later on she wanted mac-n-cheese again (she's never tired of that although it's not that healthy of a meal I feel!).  She drank more Boost again later and had more mac-n-cheese.  She says nothing else sounds good.  Her teeth were hurting and I asked her about the pain.  She said it's always at least a 5 on a scale of 1-10.  It will be good when those are finally fixed!  Jenn came over in the evening and we played dominoes--Mexican train.  We used to play that a lot when the kids were younger.  We had fun playing and did three hands and then Bridgett was tired and ready for bed.  She visited on the couch for a bit and then headed off to bed. It's only about two weeks until Bridgett's birthday.  It is hard for her to remember the correct month (she usually thinks it's December which it was when she wrecked) or year (because the year changed while she was in a coma) and it's already hard to remember her correct age, although now she's always consistently at least 19, 20 or 21--so at least she's an adult all the time!  So we'll see what happens when she has her birthday.

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