Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 87 - Saturday March 10, 2012

Bridgett ate better today.  We went out walking and did stairs as well.  She got tired easier than usual, but that's to be expected because she's been eating so little and not walking very much.  I let her nap quite a bit and by evening she wanted to play games with us, which she hasn't wanted to do for quite a few days.  She did really well, without wearing her glasses.  She says that she can't see as well with the glasses (close up) as she can without them whereas before she could see better.  So, obviously the prescription needs to be changed.  We have an appointment at the low vision clinic on Tuesday.  By the way, we still haven't got anything under control to have rehab in Provo.  The insurance company says they are "rushing" negotiations, whatever that means. They were apparently working on getting this rehab and hospital in network already (which someone told us was going to happen by 1.1.12) but just haven't worked it completely out yet.  They say that they are not waiting on that--thank goodness--but rushing her case personally.  We'll see.  It's not been too critical yet because she hasn't felt well, but she needs to be back in rehab this week.  I will have to decide what to do about her appointments in Salt Lake this week.  Of course, we will go there Tuesday to the low vision clinic and we will continue there once a week until her vision is under control.  But, regarding the other appointments--I don't know.  It really does tire her out to travel so much and to take the Zofran etc.  I have a diffuser at home and like to do essential oils, but I bought another one here and started doing oils for Bridgett (thanks Lynn!).  I have a call into someone who had a TBI herself when she was 18.  She now coaches people on how to use oils and what to use.  Hopefully she will call me back soon so that she can give me some specifics.  For now we are doing Frankincense and On Guard (to kill germs because Arrianne is sick and the other kids are getting sick).  I was so sad to read the comment from yesterday about Emily Berner, one of the cute gals that did Irish dance with Arrianne.  We know what her family must be going through.  It made me cry thinking about it--and also it humbled me to think that Bridgett could also be in a nursing home now, instead of at home with us.  We are SO thankful for that!  We really do count our blessings every day.  We realize that she has made such great progress!  Since we are with her every day it is sometimes harder to see the progress that others see when they see her infrequently.  We just try to be patient and we feel that we are indeed learning patience and learning that things happen in the Lord's time.  In the eternal realm of things this is but a second.

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