Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 94 - Saturday March 17, 2012

So apparently mornings are going to be the hardest right now until Bridgett gets feeling better.  I let her sleep in as long as possible.  When she got up she felt confused and didn't want to do anything.  I think that being sick, being somewhat dehydrated and not eating much are all contributing to her confusion. She raced Tyler and drank a Boost around noon.  She drank a little water during the afternoon.  About dinner time we headed to Jenn's house, planning on doing some walking.  It started to sprinkle on the way there.  We visited for a little bit then Bridgett asked Tyler to take her walking.  It was not sprinkling at the moment and she did need to walk so we put on her warm coat over her hoodie and put on a hat and took her out and walked around the block.  We went back into the house and Bridgett drank some more water (yes!) and then about 10 minutes later she wanted to walk again.  This time Jenn and Arri went with us and we just walked to the end of the block and back because the wind was really blowing and Bridgett was uncomfortable.  We also walked into the backyard to see Jenn's patio furniture (great buy!).  Then Bridgett wanted to just get into the car and leave but we talked her into going back into the house to say goodbye to everybody first.  We headed home and Bridgett finally agreed to drink another Boost.  She does not want to eat anything still and says her throat and teeth hurt.  We played a card game with her and visited a little and then she wanted to head to bed at 8:00 and I said fine; she does need the sleep.  I coaxed her pills into her by saying there were two daddy pills (the big ones), two mommy pills (the medium ones) and a baby pill (the little one).  She agreed to take the mommy pill first but after the first one didn't want the second one.  I talked and talked and finally got the second one in and threw the baby pill in with it.  Then I finally talked her into the two daddy pills.  We brushed our teeth and headed to bed.  I go to bed when she does because I get up early in the mornings.  Hoping that she feels better soon!

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