Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 96 - Monday March 19, 2012

So things are starting to really improve; I mean we had a really good day!  Mark gave Bridgett a blessing before he left that said that she would start healing even quicker--and we see it!  Bridgett woke up and again said she needed to shower and get ready to "go somewhere" although she was unsure where that might be.  It was cute because when Arrianne was in the bathroom with Bridgett, Arri accidentally bumped the scale and it made a noise and startled Bridgett.  She said I told you a couple of days ago to be careful and not to do that because it scares me--and she HAD told Arrianne that a couple of days ago!  It's kind of weird because she remembers random things and then forgets some obvious things.  She might be remembering lots and then go to the bathroom and ask where it is, even though she was just in there 20 minutes ago.  The brain is an amazing thing--I'll say it again.  Anyway, all day long she did great.  She drank Boost for breakfast and lunch.  Then at dinner she said she'd eat a taco and she did!  Later on she said that she wanted a fast Provo and we couldn't figure out what that was.  However, she did say that frozen yogurt sounded good (although I knew it would hurt her teeth).  A new yogurt place has opened up in the commercial area of this apartment building, so we helped her put on her cute over the knee boots, a cute scarf, her cute doggie mittens and her coat and off we went, freezing every step of the way.  It snowed her Sunday night and although the snow has melted it is very cold.  Anyway, she picked out the yogurt she wanted (chocolate) and the topping (heath bar) and we went back to the apartment.  She tried a bite and made a very painful face but said it was good.  It reminded me of when were at the rehab and went to the cafeteria with Ashley.  She did the same thing--wanted yogurt but couldn't eat it.  She ate a couple of little bites, in pain the whole time and then asked us to put it away in the freezer for later.  She called Jenn (with Arri's help I think) and asked her come to and visit.  It happened that Jenn was heading to a birthday party and stopped here on her way, for about 25 minutes.  Bridgett visited for a bit and then decided that she wanted to go walking again so off we went in the covered hallways, which was much warmer.  We played Yahtzee after that although apparently she really wanted to play farkle and used those rules.  That doesn't really work out really well since Yahtzee has five dice and farkle has six but anyway we tried it for a bit.  About 8:00 she wanted to get ready for bed.  I let her go to bed early as we have an appointment in Salt Lake tomorrow at the low vision clinic.  We haven't been there for four weeks, since before the passing out spells.  I think she's finally strong enough although the ride will be tough.  We have to be there at 11:00 so we will leave about 9:30 in order to have an hour to drive and a half an hour to be still and feel a little better.  I never had to give her the Zofran before and when we went just for one appointment she made it fine, so I am thinking about trying that.  We'll see how things look in the morning. 

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