Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 120 - Thursday April 12, 2012

Exciting news this evening!  Just before bed after we had family prayer I felt like I should ask Bridgett if she remembered the Articles of Faith. For those of you who aren't LDS, these are a list of 13 statements that explain what we believe.  Most of them start "we believe"  I gave her the first few words (at least two words after we believe) and she repeated EVERY ONE OF THEM!  Wow!  That was huge!  The 13th one is pretty long and I had to give her one word in the middle, but she got it!  When she got into bed I asked her who was the prophet that translated the Book of Mormon and she said Joseph Smith.  Who is our prophet today and she said Thomas S. Monson.  Stephany asked who was the prophet before that and she had to give her the first letter of his first name but she got Gordon B. Hinckley.  Of course, the memory is an interesting thing.  At the same time she is remembering these things she doesn't remember other things that you would think she would remember...what day it is for example.  But, in bits and pieces things are coming back.  She can still spell like crazy and has been able to do that almost as soon as she could talk.  She occasionally misses one letter but not very often.  Most of the day Bridgett was still feeling "sick" and she slept and only woke up to eat or go to the bathroom.  I had to cancel her therapy appointments.  Her ears are hurting.  She's on antibiotics so I guess if she has an infection that should take care of it.  The rehab doctor's office said it would take care of the UTI as well if she has one.  She had to take Lortab for the pain in her teeth again today.  They gave us a prescription for 14 so apparently they are thinking that it is likely that she will need pain meds for a few days.  Tomorrow we have an appointment with Dr. Roberts in American Fork and then on to the Low Vision Clinic to see Kasey.  I am hoping that she feels well enough to go.  Since we are planning to leave next month every day of rehab is important. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed about Bridgett knowing the Articles of Faith. My primary kids have been working on memorizing them and so I decided to take the challenge on as well. I have only passed off number one and two. They are not easy to memorize. I am inspired. Way to go Bridgett!!! We love hearing about her progress. We love you all!!!!
