Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 131 - Monday April 23, 2012

Today was a great day at therapy sessions.  LeAnn said that Bridgett had her best speech therapy so far.  First of all, Bridgett remembered LeAnn and Shane's names, with some prompting.....she picked them from a list of three names.  She remembered her age.....this is from short term memory that she remembered from the sign that I have posted in the living room.  She did really well at the quizzing that LeAnn gave her.  She did the buzzer game and did the 2-1/2 minutes perfectly without forgetting what she was doing.  She was very clear mentally and answered several questions just like she would have before the accident....like LeAnn asked her what she liked to cook and she said she didn't really like to cook...TRUE! During physical therapy Bridgett was freezing cold so Shane took her outside.  Her had her walk on the rocks again for balance and she did well.  Afterwards he had her walk around the building.  Then he had her walk back the way she had come by memory while counting backwards by three's from 100.  She did great.  She did the elliptical and the bike as well after she got warm outside--it was 85 outside and she was in long sleeves and sweats, all black.  She did warm up finally and stayed warm by exercising when she got inside.   Bridgett continued her reading on Kasey's Kindle.  All in all a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am one of Bridgett's roommates from rain tree. Most of us did not learn of her accident until recently but we have been following her progress since. She was pretty good friends with my younger brother and bridgett, Sawyer (our other roommate) and I kept in touch. We understand that she probably wouldn't be able to remember us but my husband and I live close to Provo and I still have some pictures from when we lived together. If you felt they would help or she needs visitors or cards we would be so happy to help in any way we can. Your family is always in our prayers.
