Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 129 - Saturday April 21, 2012

Today we went with Arrianne to get her haircut.  We took two cars.  I talked to Clint while he was washing Arrianne's hair.  He knew about Bridgett's accident from Jenn (he cuts her hair too).  I reminded him that Bridgett sat in his chair in October while Stephany had her hair cut and he remembered all of us actually.  I even found a picture on my phone and showed it to Bridgett.  I talked to him about what we should plan on with Bridgett's hair while it grows out.  He said it looks cute as a short messy cut (it does) and to leave it that way as long as we can.  He said he could clean up the back a little and so I will stop by something to have him do that.  Clint said you can do the short messy look until the hair is 4-6 inches long.  Of course it's getting longer all the time; I should measure it.  Anyway, Bridgett and I went back to the apartment and Steph stayed with Arri while she got her hair done.  In the afternoon I took Bridgett to see Joshua for craniosacral work.  He said her cranial fluid was moving better; that's good.  He actually worked on her for 90 minutes instead of an hour after getting my permission.  Afterwards he gave me his mother's name and phone number; she said I could call her just to talk or to get some information.  Also, he suggested that I might want to schedule Bridgett for three days in a row of craniosacral.  Joshua has a 6-1/2 year old son that is handicapped and is/was tube fed.  I guess I didn't ask enough questions but anyway Joshua decided to do an experiment and did craniosacral work for 10 days in a row on his son.  Before he started they would put food in the boys mouth and he roll it around and spit it out.  By the tenth day the boy would put food in his own mouth, chew it and swallow it.  They were able to drop one tube feeding because of that.  So, he said there is power in doing it for days in a row.  I said he should check his schedule and find a time that will work and schedule us before we go back to Montana.  Bridgett continued to remember the names of her therapists, with a choice from three names like Lisa, LeAnn or Leslie...she'd pick LeAnn each time.  Or Brad, Dave or Shane and she'd pick Shane each time.  I asked her about extended family again.  I asked if she knew who my parents were and she said grandma and grandpa...grandma and grandpa what I said...she has remembered my maiden name before (she told someone her mom was Kathy Hall) and she remembered again.  Then I asked about Mark's parents and she called them grandma and grandpa Noland.  Instead of grandpa we call him....and she said papa.  Then I asked about my brothers and sister, her uncles and aunts.  She got each of them if I gave her a first letter of their name.  Also we did Mark's siblings.  She didn't remember any spouses today, but each day there's a little more. We talked about her cousins and she remembered who they were if I gave her a list of names from each family...aren't they my cousins...etc.   We read twice today.  We are using the Kindle all we can while we have it. 

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, we have an older model kindle that Bridgett is welcome to have if she would like it. My sister-in-law got a new one and thought one of our girls would like to have it but they all have their own so, like I said, if you want it it's yours. Not sure what all the features are on this particular model, but I'm quite sure the font can be enlarged.
