Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 50 - Thursday February 2, 2012

This blog has a lot in it--its super long!  It is a record for Bridgett as well as a journal of sorts for me so hopefully everyone isn't getting totally bored reading it.  I guess people read when they can.  When we are done, I will have it printed up for Bridgett. I also have lots of pictures and videos for her to look at.  Some people has asked me to post them but I think Bridgett wouldn't appreciate it.  Oh, to clarify something.  Bridgett's eyes look different not just because they are moving independently etc, but because they are very open.  They call this the startled look.  She also has facial palsy on the left side, so that her mouth doesn't smile.  However, just yesterday it seemed that the left side of her mouth is starting to respond more.  We are not sure yet if the palsy is also because of the damage to the dorsal mid brain or not.  Bridgett's neuro doctor has been gone for a few days and we will discuss the ophthalmologist's findings then.  I spent the day talking to everyone I could here at the hospital trying to find help with outpatient rehab regarding her vision.  Hopefully the seeds are planted and people will think of something to help.

1 comment:

  1. We absolutely love hearing about how Bridgett is progressing! Thank you so much for all the posts. We read them every day!
    Sending hugs and prayers your way...
    Justin and Holly
