Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 55 - Tuesday February 7, 2012--RELEASE FROM REHAB

Today was the big day when Bridgett got released from inpatient rehab.  There has been so much going on in preparation for this time.  I gave the doctors my long list of questions yesterday and by today we got them all answered.  I found a primary care physician, who Bridgett needs to see in two weeks.  Narges got appointments with the Provo hospital to remove the peg next Wednesday the 15th. Also, an appointment on the 22nd to check on the broken bones for follow-up.  She made all of the initial therapy appointments, as well as follow-up appointments with a neurosurgeon and the neuro rehab doctor for one month.  We got a 30 day supply of the ten medications Bridgett is now taking.  We got a hard copy of all of the records from this hospital.  Also, we will get a hard copy of the records from the other hospital.  It took a bit to get everything packed up, but we did most of it last night and put that stuff in the car.  I remembered to bring Bridgett a coat, as she didn't have one here at the hospital.  Her jacket that she was wearing was cut off of her when she was intially picked up by the ambulance after the wreck and then a month later she was transported by ambulance with no coat to this hospital.  I gave Bridgett a shower before we left and she had breakfast.  All of the discharge stuff took until about 10:45 and then they wheeled her in a wheelchair to the car and we left.  We are now at the hotel and Bridgett is worn out from everything.  She ate a few bites of lunch and is now sleeping.  We are instucted to keep visitors to a minimum for a bit.  No large groups and not too much noise. A brain injury is complicated and there are factors that don't exist for other injuries. She is to be careful with her neck for another month.  SHE'S HOME!!!!!  We are just so grateful for all our blessings!  Thanks to everyone for the great care and help in learning so that she could progress to this point.  Bridgett, you worked hard and you're great!!  Our appointment with the low vision clinic is tomorrow at 9am.  They will assess her and this is where she will have occupational therapy for the time being.  She has physical therapy on Thursday and Speech therapy on Monday.  After these first sessions, she will have 2-3 sessions per week of all of the therapies.  They said the amount of therapy is dependent on what the insurance company will approve.  Our health care is really directed by insurance companies, as we have learned.  

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