Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 76 - Tuesday February 28, 2012

I called the doctors office early and explained the whole situation. I told them that I really needed to find out why she is fainting and so we can do something about it.  We need to get to the bottom of this!  So, anyway, the gal talked to the doctor who said he wanted to see Bridgett and exam her; so, we set up an appointment for 3:30.  I asked them to switch the CT scans they had ordered to Mt. Timpanogos hospital, as I recently learned that they are in network.  We will go there from now on if there is an emergency.  The doctors office gave me the scheduling number to call and get the appointment set up but when I called they said they can't make the appointment until the insurance authorizes it but they said we could make the appointment for Thursday or Friday as it surely will be authorized by then.  So, I made the appointment for Thursday.  I carefully monitored what Bridgett ate and drank and then at 2:50 Tyler and I loaded her up and headed for the doctors office.  We made it with about three minutes to spare!  Bridgett kept saying all the way in that she was about to throw up, but she made it.  We had to wait about 10 minutes at the doctors office.  I asked if they had a place she could lay down.  They got a room ready, but only about 1-2 minutes before they would have had it ready.  I took her in and she laid down on the examining table--not real comfortable, but better then sitting up when you aren't feeling good.  The doctor examined her and ordered a urine test, which came back showing infection.  He gave us a prescription for an antibiotic.  Also, I talked to him and said I didn't want to give her the Vicodin because of the whole issue with nausea and dizziness.  I said she's taken Lortab before without any problems, can we do that again.  So, I got a prescription for that.  Then we discussed the whole issue of the elevated DHEA and also why is she fainting.  He ordered a bunch more blood work and said he'd have the results on that tomorrow (Wed.).  I said, she never fainted before and it's been 11 weeks tomorrow since the accident, so you'd think that it's something else besides the brain injury.  He said, that makes sense but it's a very complicated issue so hard to know.  Anyway, I guess we are doing what we can to figure it all out and that's the big thing.  Bridgett made it home without commenting once about being nauseated.  It was at rush hour, so I went home via State Street.  So, all the way from American Fork to Provo to our apartment--we only had to stop at five red lights--can you believe it!  And actually, on the drive there the freeway had pretty light traffic.  So, we notice small blessings where ever we find them and very much appreciate each tender mercy.  During this time period since Friday afternoon--Bridgett's mind has been a little muddled in regards to her memory.  This evening she lay in bed with all of us in the room and she remembered all kinds of things that she hasn't remember yet--the names of our horses (we used to have) and random stuff like that.  It made us all feel so much better!  Jenn told me tonight that her friend Bree (with the past brain injury) said that she was fainting and was dizzy so had to wear a patch behind her ear after her injury, so maybe this is all related to the brain injury.  I need to find out who her primary care physician is as he apparently has experience--even if he gained it all while working with her.  That's a huge thing--someone who's dealt with these things before.  On the insurance front--Mark is dealing with people at our company trying to get them to relent and work with us.  He has now started dialog with the supervisor of our case manager and hopefully we can get somewhere without having to involve a lawyer.  It seems like they must realize that it's better to work things out peacefully first--better for all of us--especially for Bridgett.  We are just trying to do the best things for her and trying to help out all we can.

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