Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 71 - Thursday February 23, 2012

So our latest thing that we are dealing with is the situation with getting dental work done.  Bridgett's dentist had agreed to do it on Feb. 29, as I have already discussed.  However, I was told that there is a dental clinic which is actually around the corner from where we are living, literally, that does sedation and that they are very good.  I called to make an appointment and that was for today and I had a certificate from the person that referred me for a free x-ray and check-up.  When we got there, the dentists were running behind and we had to wait.  When we had been waiting for 40 minutes, I decided that we would leave. Before coming I had explained the situation to the gal I had scheduled with and felt that apparently they were so big they wouldn't be able to accommodate someone in a special situation.  Bridgett's neck was hurting and although she is cooperative and didn't ask to leave, she was "wilting" by the moment.  At 44 minutes after the hour I calmly told the gal at the desk that we would have to leave and we did.  About 20 minutes after we left I got a call from the office manager.  She was very apologetic and offered to buy our family a gift certificate somewhere.  I said I didn't want to discuss that--it didn't help the situation any.  I explained that I just needed some info regarding procedures, etc. and that the gal I had scheduled with had told me that they only way to get the info was to come to an appointment.  I explained the entire situation to her and she told me that they do sedate and gave me the name and phone number of the husband/wife team that did that for them.  She also asked if we would consider rescheduling, and said they could set it up and then call and say come now, we're ready so that we didn't have to wait.  Anyway, I called the anesthesiologist and discussed the situation with him.  I told him that we had already cleared with the surgeon that fixed the zygomatic arch and we were waiting to clear with the neurosurgeon.  I asked exactly what they would use so that I could clear that with them as well.  Anyway, he was very positive sounding about the situation and said as long as we had clearance that the procedure would go much quicker if she was sedated and she would be much more comfortable.  Then later on one of the dentist called me to also apologize.  We discussed the situation more.  I asked if they were able to do it, how far out would she have to wait to get it done.  I explained that we needed someone that would give us the attention we need, etc.  He said that it could be done in the next week to 10 days if we got it cleared with Bridgett's doctors.  While we were on the phone I had another call which I could not answer.  It turned out to be the neurosurgeon's nurse.  She said that the neck could not be cleared for any dental work until after she was x-rayed on March 8th and they saw her that same day.  Also, she said that at Bridgett's March 6th appointment with her neuro rehab doctor, Dr. Speed, we could get the meds cleared for sedation.  But, with both doctors, they would need to see and examine her before they gave their consent.  Fair enough!  I had actually just told the dentist that very thing, that they might want to wait until then before they gave their consent.   So, today I will cancel with the current dentist, letting him know that we have to wait to get cleared.  We still might use him depending on how things work out with this new dentist.  I will set up to see the new dentist and see what happens there and then wait for the week of March 6th to find out more.  Early this morning Uncle Justin and Grandma came to visit.  They brought some fun cards to Bridgett.  Then we had the dentist thing.  Later we went to the mall and did some walking and a bit of shopping.  Bridgett used to work at the mall so I thought it might help her remember things even though she couldn't remember the name of the store where she worked.  Actually I said, let's go to the store where you used to work and she said, I feel as if they would be angry there, let's not go.  That was funny because she quit there because the manager was so angry all the time and hard to work for!  Later on we had Aunt Debbi over for a visit.  She brought Bridgett a fun new card game to play.  Bridgett was pretty tired by time night came and got ready for bed early, although she didn't go to sleep until about her usual time. 

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