Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 140 - Wednesday May 2, 2012

I'm glad that I cancelled today's appointments because Bridgett was REALLY tired out.  Most of the day she napped although we still took time to read and do flash cards on the ipad.  In the evening she sat and played games on the ipad with Stephany.  Bridgett played solitaire without assistance, although a couple of times Stephany told her to look around for another move.  She also played with the Smurf Village that Stephany helped set up.  Stephany is very good working with Bridgett.  Instead of just telling her what to do, she reminds Bridgett to look around for what she thinks needs to be done and Bridgett usually figures it out.  Mark arrived from Montana and it was so good to have him here again!  We were all able to visit for a while before Bridgett got tired and went to bed.  Oh, I was going to update you on the prescription that the urologist gave us for Bridgett. So, we decide to fill the Toviaz prescription but when I called to see if it was ready they told me that the insurance company had said that it wasn't covered until we meet a $500 prescription deductible and that it cost $170 a month.  I said we have been getting prescriptions all year with only a $15 co-pay and he said he could see that so I should call the insurance company and see if it was a computer glitch.  I called Tuesday but the offices were already closed so at 7:00 this morning I called them and talked to an agent.  She said that all of the prescriptions we have filled have been generic and this was a name brand.  The $500 applies to name brand prescriptions and after the deductible is met we have a $25 co-pay plus 50% of the prescription price.  That adds up!  I called Walgreens back and asked if there was a generic equivalent and there is not, for either prescription.  So, reluctantly I went and picked the prescription up.  After I got home and got the bottle out of the packaging, it said right on the bottle that it causes dizziness, drowsiness and blurred vision!  Brother!  Like that's what Bridgett needs!  I called and talked to the pharmacist again and discussed it and told him that the doctor had said it would only cause constipation and dry mouth.  He said those are the most common side effects but I said then why put warnings on the bottle label for the other things and not for those.  He said 18% of the people had dry mouth and constipation and only 10% had the drowsiness, dizziness and blurred vision.  Not too comforting!  I called the neuro rehab doctor, Dr. Speed and left a message for them to get back to me and let me know whether or not to give the prescription. After that I went on the Toviaz site and read more about it.  While there on the site I found a coupon that can be presented to the pharmacy to pay for the first months prescription.  That would have saved me $170.  I decided to go back to Walgreens and talk to the pharmacist and see if they could refund me the money by returning the prescription and reprocessing it.  The pharmacist was very nice and immediately agreed to do this and it all worked out fine and I saved lots of money, so I was happy.  So, we still haven't started her on it yet until we find out what the neuro rehab doctor thinks.  Oh, on a side note...I try to keep this blog all about Bridgett and not talk about other stuff too much.... but today something happened that just made me laugh.  I was hurrying to put the dishes in the dishwasher while Bridgett was resting and suddenly the sink fell through the counter and landed down in the cabinet.  It was pretty startling and actually just made me laugh.  Luckily the maintenance people were able to get it all fixed this afternoon and yes I did get a picture to remind us! 

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