Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 208 - Monday July 9, 2012

Today was a rehab day.  First we had Denise for OT and that went good.  Denise went over Bridgett's list that she made up at home of jobs that she will do every day.  Denise asked Bridgett to kind of fine tune it so it said exactly what she would do--not just sweep the floor but what floor and when during the day. Then she said when you get a big planner put the jobs in the planner.  We all talked about eye exercises and showed her what we do daily.  Next Denise had her send a text to herself.  Finally we found to our surprise that Denise has a DynaVision although I had called and asked about that and everyone said they didn't; apparently people don't know what it is!  Anyway, she had Bridgett do some exercises with the DynaVision.  The first attempt she got 29 buttons.  I will have to call Kasey and see what her count was the last time with him but I think she was faster and better this time even though its been like two months since she's done it.  Next we had PT with Kim.  Mark and I actually know Kim from years ago in Missoula from the student ward; she and Mark were students.  Anyway Kim was just doing the assessment.  She said there's a little bit to work on but mostly Bridgett is doing well.  From a functional standpoint I agree but she is still a ways from getting back to where she was physically before the accident.  I made a note to talk to Dr. Linsday about taking her to another PT--Brian Miller.  Arrianne saw him before and he's great!    He's a runner as well and teaches running clinics--just up Bridgett's alley since she loves running and did a half marathon in October.  Last we saw Share for ST and she gave Bridgett a very nice planner to track things.  In the beginning of each month there is a full month's calendar actually starting with July  and going through the end of 2013 (wow!).  Then there are by the week pages for the month with big spaces to write things.  Bridgett brought it home and put her appointments on the first large calendar and then what she actually does each day on the following pages.  Cool!  Share also gave Bridgett an assessment test.  Bridgett was very happy with her responses on each section and said I'm so proud of myself.  Share said great on some sections and on one section she said well that wasn't your best section actually--not too stellar.  But it didn't faze Bridgett at all--she always remains positive.  Share said she would score it and then go over it with us on Wednesday.  I'm trying to decide if it's really that great to tell Bridgett exactly how she did on some things.  In my book the goal of rehab should be to inspire people to work harder not discourage them with too stark of reality.  I think if Bridgett did poorly on some sections we should tell her she has work to do to get that up to where is should be instead of saying you were in the whatever percentile for people your age.  Hum....I'll have to think about this before we go Wednesday.

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