Sunday, August 4, 2013

Second year Day 226 - Saturday July 27, 2013

I'm not sure that I mentioned it but one reason I want to check out everything with the eye surgery is because Arrianne's friend, Emily, who had a traumatic brain injury, had double vision all of the time after her accident and she had eye surgery back in September.  The surgery re-aligned her eyes, but she still has double vision.  She is Arrianne's age, so younger than Bridgett.  Now they are trying to figure out alternative ways to deal with the eyes, including "patching" one eye by using a solid contact lens to occlude one eye.  So, we personally know someone who has experienced the fact that the brain may not be able to deal with the surgery and may just see double afterwards, even though the eyes are aligned.  This makes the worry greater.  I should see if he will give me a percentage of people that have a problem after the surgery, of TBI patients.  He was pretty specific that this could very easily happen.  Also, I am concerned because the Dr. didn't check her actual vision, but they did do a brief exam.  They asked her to identify letters on the screen and she couldn't read them unless they were very large, like way back in Feb 2012.  So, what's up with that?  Her eyes got much better and now they are worse?  Dr. Hoffman said that Dr. Warner could check her vision and see what's happening with that.  The problem is that it takes like four months to get in to see her.  Hmmm......We had our last appointment with Faith today, after checking out of the hotel and then headed back to Provo and checked in.  Afterwards we had some running around to do, shopping etc and dinner.  About 7:30 we went to Jenn's house to visit and had a very nice time there.  It was actually kind of late when we finally all tried to get some sleep.  It will be a busy day tomorrow.

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