Sunday, August 4, 2013

Second year Day 229 - Tuesday July 30, 2013

I slept pretty poorly last night, even though I rarely ever have trouble sleeping.  I think it's all of the worry about things.  I finally got up about 1:30 and opened mail, answered email, etc. until about 4:00 a.m.  Then I slept fitfully until 7:00.  One of the first things I did this morning was to call to Missoula and try to get an appointment with Dr. Todd Murdock.  He was the only doctor in Montana that Dr. Warner said was qualified to do this surgery.  I talked to Dr. Hoffman about that and said I guess there's only one surgeon qualified in Montana and he said there's actually two--Dr. Murdock in Missoula and also one in Billings (I forgot his name).  However, he said that this is a difficult surgery and that Dr. Murdock would just refer us to him anyway.  Well, I need someone to actually check her vision (I'm really worried about it being much worse than it was last August) and also I just want a second opinion.  Additionally, Reichners had given us a very good recommendation for him.  Dr. Murdock has a cancellation on Thursday and so we are going to take it and head to Missoula then.  Bridgett wasn't thrilled to hear that we will be back on the road on Thursday, but she agreed to go.  The rest of the day was spent trying to get unpacked and get wash done etc. There's always a lot to do after being gone, that's for sure! 

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