Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 291 - Sunday September 30, 2012

Sometimes I just randomly remember something funny and today is one of those days.  A couple of weeks ago Bridgett saw our little rebounder trampoline that we have in the house and asked if she could go outside and jump on the trampoline.  Why do you want to jump on the trampoline I asked (knowing that her neck was hurting so badly I was really wondering)... and she said I really miss doing flips and I'd like to go and do one.  I had to stifle my laughter while Tyler explained to her that doing flips was not a good idea when you have a terrible neck ache.  Apparently he explained it correctly and she said she'd wait for a while before she tries it.  By the way...yes, she does know how to do flips on the trampoline and she has lots of fun doing them!  Speaking of apparently...that's Bridgett other favorite new word lately only she likes to purposely pronounce it with the stress on the first syllable.  I guess it's hard to explain how she says it but like an ipad app...app-a-rant-ly.  Anyway, it's amusing!  She also has a really cute way that she says WOW that I can't really explain.  She really like to have a lot of inflection in her voice as well.  She often says something like I hope you don't mind my the inflection in my voice because I like to talk that way.  Bridgett's speech and inflections are contagious and it seems that we all start talking like her at some point.  The craniosacral gal has now picked up the WOW too and said it while her son was playing basketball after he made a bunch of shots in a row; she said he jerked around and couldn't believe that she was the one that said it! It's funny how much people pick up on Bridgett's cuteness! 

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