Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 293 - Tuesday October 2, 2012

I got a call from the endocrinologist and she said all of the follow-up blood work was in the normal range and they don't have any more answers for the hormonal imbalance.  I guess we will just keep doing alternative things and hope that helps.  We had another great appointment with Faith. She said that the brain was responding well to the adjustments.  The front part of the brain was less hyperactive and the back part had more activity. I don't think I initially mentioned that Faith said that the front portion of the brain was hyperactive trying to make new connections and working so hard while the back portion had less than normal blood flow and activity. She said a lot of the memory stores are in this back portion. Faith said that the occipital was doing well, holding it's adjustment and that she was able to do other work on the neck this time.  She also worked on the heart pain Bridgett is having off and on.  Several people have said that she has displaced ribs and Faith said this as well today; she was able to do some adjusting and hopefully that will help.  She also worked on inflammation and scar tissue in the pelvic region.  Additionally she was able to address the eye orbits and the zygomatic arch again.  She gave me a list of things to tell Kari to work on when we get back home, at Kari's request.  So this was weird--on Thursday when we went to see Faith I entered her address in my car's GPS and the route took me one way.  Then on Tuesday when I picked the same destination that was saved in the GPS it gave me a different route.  I had known that Faith said the drive was shorter than it had taken me so I took the second route (also I couldn't remember all of the little turns on the first route and the GPS didn't display that choice).  Anyway as I was passing the first turn off of the interstate I called Faith to make sure I should remain on I-15 and she said stay on the interstate until we get to Scipio.  Well, by the time I got to Scipio the GPS said to stay on the interstate and not to turn off.  I stopped at a gas station and asked if I could turn there and get to Monroe and they said yes.  I mentioned that the GPS told me to continue on the interstate and they said GPS will always pick the interstate over a secondary highway.  I didn't explain that on Thursday GPS picked a bunch of secondary highways!  Anyway the GPS kept telling me to turn around after I headed to Scipio but after quite a few miles it gave up and re-routed me through Scipio and to Monroe.  Whatever! 

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