Saturday, June 15, 2013

Second year Day 180 - Tuesday June 11, 2013

We have an appointment with Dr. Hoffman at the Moran Eye Center on July 23rd.  Of course, back in September, Dr. Judith Warner, the neuro Ophthalmologist, said that Bridgett's eyes had healed to the point where she no longer needed optic never surgery.  That was wonderful news!  I just couldn't bear the thought of having them go into her brain!  Anyway, she recommended that Bridgett have surgery for the diplopia, but also said that she did not believe that there was anyone in Montana qualified to do the surgery.  She said that it is a very tricky surgery in adults.  In children, the surgery goes well if the doctor is pretty close to doing it right.  Anyway, later she did tell us that we could try a doctor in Missoula, but at that point I had just found out that he did surgery on someone else with a TBI, and that surgery had not gone so well.  So, I was reluctant to try him out.  Eventually I did call Dr. Warner's office and ask who could do the surgery in Utah.  They gave me the name of Dr. Hoffman and I called and got the soonest appointment, in July! About a month ago I got nervous about it again.  I called back and said that we really need a doctor that will be amazing.  The gal I talked to said that Dr. Hoffman in amazing and the most qualified, and that's why Dr. Warner gave us his name.  I felt much better after talking to her and hearing about how many surgeries he does every year.  So, now we need to get Bridgett's insurance policy changed back to a Utah policy by July 1st so that she will be covered in network.  Our gal in Missoula that handles the policy said that snow birds change their policy each winter and that it was no problem. So, hopefully there will be no problem!  Now, to get everyone in the mind set that this will be good and positive.  I know that in the family there are a lot of feelings of worry about possible blindness etc.  I figure that after we meet with the doctor we will know more about what to expect and what possible problems there could be.  There is plenty enough to worry about without worrying about that right now!  The surgery would probably be in August or September and possibly she would need several surgeries.

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