Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Second year Day 190 - Friday June 21, 2013

Bridgett woke up a couple of times in the night and was dizzy and this morning she was still dizzy.  I called Michelle Helwig for an appointment so that we could get blood work.  Several people in the family have been concerned about her kidney/liver function because of the pain meds so we might as well check that out.  I contacted Faith, who said she believed that Bridgett needed brain balancing work.  She encouraged us to use the tuning forks on the points she had showed us behind the ear.  Actually, as soon as we did this, the dizziness stopped for about 20 minutes.  Also, Bridgett said it felt so good, like someone was massaging her brain!  We saw Michelle about 11:30.  She was very thorough in checking Bridgett. She said sometimes when someone has had a brain injury, we attribute everything to the injury and overlook something else that might be wrong. Bridgett's urine test was clear, as were the different blood pressure tests (standing, sitting and lying down).  Her overall exam was fine.  Michelle said she would probably get the results over the weekend, but unless there was something drastic on the testing, she would call on Monday. 

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