Thursday, June 20, 2013

Second year Day 183 - Friday June 14, 2013

OK, deep breath, I'm done with my whining or whatever it was!  I talked to Inez Berner today.  Her daughter Emily had a wreck just three days after Bridgett's accident.  In addition to the head trauma, she broke her pelvis.  Although she had no memory loss, she has other challenges, including using a wheelchair.  She is slowly transitioning to walking and doing better all of the time.  She is having a really challenging time right now, because she can see where she is and where she would have been and she has a lot of depression.  I am so thankful that Bridgett doesn't have the depression even though she has the brain challenges right now.  Emily also has double vision and her brain isn't able to ignore one image so she sees double all of the time.  Adding that to her balance issues as she is getting back to walking and she does have many challenges.  She has moved to a handicapped apartment and sleeps there alone although her mother or someone else is with her during the day.  So, they have challenges, but different challenges. 

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