Saturday, February 1, 2014

Third year Day 34 - Thursday January 16, 2014

Whether we are in Provo or in Richfield, Bridgett and I wake up very early and we go walking.  We walk at Target in Provo and Walmart in Richfield.  This way we are inside and not out walking in the dark and also we don't have to worry about ice/snow.  We walk up and every isle of the stores at least once and they are pretty big stores.  We can definitely get in 20-30 minutes of walking, depending on how Bridgett is feeling on that particular day.  I don't know what the people in the store think!  We do often grab something while we are there, even if it's only something little like a headband!  Bridgett found the cutest headband on clearance today and she was so excited to wear it.  We were talking about famous people this morning.  I can't remember who we were specifically talking about at one point but Bridgett said....I'm impressed by his famousity!  Another one of the Bridgett words!  She knows they are not really words, she just likes to make up new ones and always has.  However, Arrianne said maybe we'd better have her be a little more careful about made up words now since the wreck, because people might think that she doesn't know the real words.  True.  So I am trying to remind her to be a little more careful about made up words. 

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