Saturday, February 15, 2014

Third year Day 47 - Wednesday January 29, 2014

I got a letter from Disability about a week ago, requesting that Bridgett appear for an appointment, in Utah, on the 4th of February.  I called and talked to the examiner and explained that we had just been down there and would be traveling back towards the end of February and asked if they'd reschedule the appointment for when we are already down there.  She said that their policy was that the appointment could be rescheduled once and then if it is missed for any reason (sickness, flat tire, anything) that she would be automatically denied any benefits.  Actually, I applied for benefits for her last August and they still have been collecting data, etc and not made a determination yet.  What a process!  Mark and I are discussing what should be done at this point.  I can't hardly think about driving down in the winter again so soon, but then again, the pressures on at this point.  We have been praying about it and I told the examiner that we would give her a decision by Friday at the latest.  Many things to think about and consider, including storm reports, etc.  Bridgett doesn't want to go at this point, but I can explain it to her.  She's pretty much game to try things. 

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