Friday, February 21, 2014

Third year Day 53 - Tuesday February 4, 2014

This morning we had a nice breakfast and then did a little walking.  Bridgett's favorite place to walk is Target, probably because she finds so many cute things there!  We did find some super cute scarves that were on clearance for only $4 so that was a great find!  One of them was a scarf that Stephany had wanted but didn't want to pay full price; she saw it a few trips ago.  Then the last trip it was 20% off, and then 70% off this trip!  Usually we aren't around long enough to see these things go on clearance like that, but our trips were spaced out just right!  At length it was time for our appointment.  I had consulted with our lawyer about the fact that I wanted to be in the room while they talk to Bridgett.  He advised me requesting to be in with her but not pushing too hard.  He said that if they said I couldn't be in with her, to request that I be able to check on her every 30 minutes.  Remember, they had said that the appointment was scheduled for three hours!!  Crazy!!  I had the guardianship papers with me and I was all ready, or so I thought.  However, when we got to the appointment, it was in a very new office building.  The foyer was very nice and the receptionist desk had no phone or receptionist!  The examiner came out of the only inhabited office and seemed very nice.  I told him my position.  He said that he was unable to allow me to be with Bridgett, but that he would leave the door unlocked and that I could open it and check on her at any time whatever.  I consented as I did feel that things were OK.  I did tell him that she would probably need to walk around the room and move so that she could be comfortable with her neck issues. She was in the office for approximately seven minutes when the door opened and Bridgett told me that she needed pain medication; she was in obvious pain already.  I gave her some pain meds and she walked around for a bit and then consented to going back to the appointment.  I could stand outside the door and hear them talking although I could not tell what they were saying.  I opened up the door about every 15 minutes to check on her.  It was a long time for all of us!  The appointment lasted one hour and 45 minutes.  At the end of the appointment, he told me that he was not allowed by Social Security to give me any information but that I could request that the info be sent to our neurologist and then he could give me a copy of the report.  He was very nice but also said that the appointment had been very demanding on Bridgett and she was free to curse him all the rest of the day!  Hah!  He also told her to go and do something fun and get a treat!  She was smiling when we left the office, but as soon as we got in the car she began to rant (no cursing)!  She called Tyler and ranted to him for five minutes or so.  She ranted all the way back to the hotel and then finally quit ranting.  However, off and on all day she expressed her displeasure at the long appointment, her neck pain, the demanding questions and problems, etc.  She did always say that the doctor was very nice and understanding.  However, she said, let's never do this again!  We tried to think of something fun to do or a nice treat.  Eventually she settled on having a brownie, one of her favorite desserts.  Arrianne didn't have any classes this afternoon, so we tried to just rest and visit and do happy and fun things.  I was exhausted really by evening and crashed early with Bridgett, about 7:00.  Tomorrow we drive to Faith's house for appointments there.  Since we had to drive back so soon to Utah, we figured that we might as well see her too.  She can see us the rest of the week. 

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