Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 335 - Tuesday November 13, 2012

This afternoon Bridgett said the funniest thing and it was also cool because it shows she is remembering more as well. You just have to know Bridgett to get that she has the same humor she's always had! Anyway, on Bridgett's face is a little tiny (I mean really small) spot that is like a broken blood vessel.  Anyway, often she asks me what it is from.  I usually say oh it's probably from the wreck.  Then a couple of months ago she started asking me if the spot came from the "birth cord" being wrapped around her neck.  I say it's not called a birth cord, what is it and then she comes up with the name umbilical cord.  She did have the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck at birth BTW.  Also, she did have several hemangiomas on her face when she was a baby that actually got bigger and then receded entirely as she got older.  But I also say no I don't remember that being there so it must be from the wreck.  In fact, I have gone back and looked at pictures to see if it was there but I can't see it.  It is VERY small so it probably would be hard to see in a picture.  Anyway, today she said this whole spiel like she usually does and then I said it's probably from the wreck and she says no and looks me right in the eye.  She said to me I've always had that little mark there....ever since I was a weeee little lass!  Hah!  What a crack up!  But she remains positive that it's always been there and this is the first time that she's actually remembered that fact. I will have to ask her sisters about it....they would have probably discussed it with her when she was in Provo, putting on her make-up etc.

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