Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 342 - Tuesday November 20, 2012

We got up early and headed for the airport and began our trip. Bridgett did exceptionally well on the flight, which took just under 4-1/2 hours. She enjoyed the take off speed and openly laughed in delight. However, this was soon replaced with a sick feeling as the plane lifted and made the little dip feeling. I immediately gave her the under the tongue zofran and in a few minutes she was feeling better. She only had to get up once to go to the bathroom and once to walk up and down the aisle for a bit. She felt reasonably good the entire time although at the end of the flight as we were making the descent her ears plugged up and she just couldn't get them unplugged no matter what she tried. We sat and had her chew gum, yawn, swallow, etc but to no avail. It actually took until we landed before she had relief and she was in pain for quite a few minutes. The taxi ride was another matter. We took two taxis because there were six of us; she was with Mark and Arrianne and I was with Tyler and Stephany. About 30 minutes into the hour long taxi ride Bridgett started making sounds and then threw up. The taxi driver was of course driving like a mad man and bragging that he was so quick to the destination. He wasn't too happy when they got out and he saw the vomit in his taxi and told Mark to pay him an extra $20 to pay for the clean-up. We had just as horrible of a ride and Tyler and Stephany both got sick, but no one threw up with me. After making it to our room we collapsed and rested the rest of the day. Mark called and had them come and pick up Bridgett's clothes to have them laundered--with a rush on the order! So much for site seeing! But tomorrow we will head out, hopefully with everyone feeling much better! Now, to figure out how to get back to the airport without getting everyone sick!

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